Japanese Food
A 250-year-old Traditional@Farmer's@House

About 250 years have passed since this house was built, and this farmhouse showsthe
atmosphere of the days when gSamuraih; Japanese warriors with swords stuck to the
waist, had governed Japan.  My ancestor was the noted landlord who had controlled
this area from generation to generation.  I have lived in this house with my family. 
And also, since I wanted you to experience this atmosphere, a Japanese restaurant was
opened ten years ago.  This has been a farmhouse from the first, therefore we have
fresh vegetables abundantly and very fresh fish from the sea nearby, as well.  
‹ðˆ×ˆÁ) is located at the mountainous village in Boso peninsula at southern
part of Chiba prefecture, where a typical rural landscape from the ancient times also
remains most firmly among the agricultural areas in Japan.  So, you can enjoy yourself
over a nice meal calmly in this peaceful and quiet environment,

žIntroduction of the building

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@–Œš•¨“ü‚èŒû Building entrance

This is an entrance of the house for daily use, and besides there is another entrance for the formal guests.

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@–“yŠÔ (Doma)@An earth floor
This is inside of the house entrance shown by the above picture. The ground of the floor is just only hardened with an earth, which is called gDomah  The agricultural work at night used to be carried out here.

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@–ˆÍ˜F—  (Irori) Sunken hearth
The hollow fell by one step in the center is called gIrorih (sunken hearth).  Fire was burned here all day long.  People gathered for the surroundings of this and, at the time without electricity, spent the time of night with the light of the flame of a sunken hearth and the light of a votive light.  A thick pillar in front is called as gDaikoku-bashirah  (a mainstay).  And It was a rule that the senior of a family is the person who can take a seat before this pillar.

@@@@@@@@@@@@@–‰œÀ•~ (Okuzashiki) A back room

This is eOkuzashikif, which is a room at the very back in the house.  This room used to be for the senior of the family and the others were not allowed to enter this room without the seniorfs permission.  Now a day, this room is also used for serving a meal.

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@–—£‚ê (Hanare) Detached building This house is detached from the main building, called gHanareh (detached building) Farm machines and implements used be kept in this house, but now, this is remodeled so that we can serve a meal.  This building is the newest in "Guian", although 100 years or more have passed since it was built.

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@–”[‰® (Naya) Barn
This building is a barn, called gNayah, which is divided into three.  The left side is a stable where horses had been kept until very recently 50 years ago.  The middle is a room which puts farm machines and implements and fixtures in order, and the right was for kind of a warehouse which keeps grain and important articles.

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